Dolt provides native stored procedures to allow access to dolt CLI commands from within a SQL session. Each procedure is named after the dolt command line command it matches, and takes arguments in an identical form.
For example, dolt checkout -b feature-branch is equivalent to executing the following SQL statement:
CALL DOLT_CHECKOUT('-b', 'feature-branch');
SQL procedures are provided for all imperative CLI commands. For commands that inspect the state of the database and print some information, (dolt diff, dolt log, etc.) system tables are provided instead.
One important note: all procedures modify state only for the current session, not for all clients. So for example, whereas running dolt checkout feature-branch will change the working HEAD for anyone who subsequently runs a command from the same dolt database directory, running CALL DOLT_CHECKOUT('feature-branch') only changes the working HEAD for that database session. The right way to think of this is that the command line environment is effectively a session, one that happens to be shared with whomever runs CLI commands from that directory.
Adds working changes to staged for this session. Works exactly like dolt add on the CLI, and takes the same arguments.
After adding tables to the staged area, they can be committed with DOLT_COMMIT().
table: Table(s) to add to the list tables staged to be committed. The abbreviation '.' can be used to add all tables.
-A: Stages all tables with changes.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| status | int | 0 if successful, 1 if not |
-- Set the current database for the sessionUSE mydb;-- Make modificationsUPDATE tableSET column ="new value"WHERE pk ="key";-- Stage all changes.CALL DOLT_ADD('-A');-- Commit the changes.CALL DOLT_COMMIT('-m', 'committing all changes');
Add or remove a configured backup, sync with a configured backup, sync a backup to a remote URL, restore a remote URL backup as a new database.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| status | int | 0 if successful, 1 if not |
To sync the current database to configured backup:
CALL DOLT_BACKUP('sync', 'name');
To sync with a remote URL which is not configured as a backup:
-- Set the current database for the sessionUSE mydb;-- Configure a backup to sync to.CALL dolt_backup('add', 'my-backup', '');-- Upload the current database contents to that named backupCALL dolt_backup('sync', 'my-backup')-- Restore the uploaded database to a new database nameCALL dolt_backup('restore', '', 'mydb_restored');
To look up the current branch, use the @@<dbname>_head_ref system variable, or the active_branch() SQL function, as shown in the examples section below.
WARNING: In a multi-session server environment, Dolt will prevent you from deleting or renaming a branch in use in another session. You can force renaming or deletion by passing the --force option, but be aware that active clients on other sessions will no longer be able to execute statements after their active branch is removed and will need to end their session and reconnect.
-- Create a new branch from the current HEADCALL DOLT_BRANCH('myNewBranch');-- Create a new branch from start point of tip of feature1 branch.CALL DOLT_BRANCH('myNewBranch', 'feature1');-- Create a new branch by copying an existing branch-- Will fail if feature1 branch already existsCALL DOLT_BRANCH('-c', 'main', 'feature1');-- Create or replace a branch by copying an existing branch-- '-f' forces the copy, even if feature1 branch already existsCALL DOLT_BRANCH('-c', '-f', 'main', 'feature1');-- Delete a branchCALL DOLT_BRANCH('-d', 'branchToDelete');-- Rename a branchCALL DOLT_BRANCH('-m', 'currentBranchName', 'newBranchName')
Branch names have a few restrictions which are similar to the constraints Git puts on branch names. Dolt's branches are a little more restrictive, as ASCII characters are required. Rules are as follows:
All characters must be ASCII (7 Bit)
May not start with '.' (period)
May not contain '..' (two periods)
May not contain '@{'
May not contain ASCII control characters
May not contain characters: ':', '?', '[', '\', '^', '~', '*'
May not contain whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines)
May not end with '/'
May not end with '.lock'
May not be HEAD (case insensitive)
May not be indistinguishable from a commit hash. 32 characters, where all characters are 0-9 or a-z (case sensitive)
The dolt_branch() procedure implicitly commits the current transaction and begins a new one.
-c, --copy: Create a copy of a branch. Must be followed by the name of the source branch to copy and the name of the new branch to create. Without the --force option, the copy will fail if the new branch already exists.
-m, --move: Move/rename a branch. Must be followed by the current name of an existing branch and a new name for that branch. Without the --force option, renaming a branch in use on another server session will fail. Be aware that forcibly renaming or deleting a branch in use in another session will require that session to disconnect and reconnect before it can execute statements again.
-d, --delete: Delete a branch. Must be followed by the name of an existing branch to delete. Without the --force option, deleting a branch in use on another server session will fail. Be aware that forcibly renaming or deleting a branch in use in another session will require that session to disconnect and reconnect before it can execute statements again.
-f, --force: When used with the --copy option, allows for recreating a branch from another branch, even if the branch already exists. When used with the --move or --delete options, force will allow you to rename or delete branches in use in other active server sessions, but be aware that this will require those other sessions to disconnect and reconnect before they can execute statements again.
-D: Shortcut for --delete --force.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| status | int | 0 if successful, 1 if not |
-- List the available branchesSELECT * FROM DOLT_BRANCHES;+--------+----------------------------------+| name | hash |+--------+----------------------------------+| backup | nsqtc86d54kafkuf0a24s4hqircvg68g || main | dvtsgnlg7n9squriob3nq6kve6gnhkf2 |+--------+----------------------------------+-- Create a new branch for development work from the tip of head and switch to itCALL DOLT_BRANCH('myNewFeature');CALL DOLT_CHECKOUT('myNewFeature');-- View your current branchselect active_branch();+----------------+| active_branch |+----------------+| myNewFeature |+----------------+-- Create a new branch from an existing branchCALL DOLT_BRANCH('-c', 'backup', 'bugfix-3482');-- Rename a branchCALL DOLT_BRANCH('-m', 'bugfix-3482', 'critical-bugfix-3482');-- Delete a branchCALL DOLT_BRANCH('-d', 'old-unused-branch');
Switches this session to a different branch.
With table names as arguments, restores those tables to their contents in the current HEAD.
Note, unlike the Git command-line, if you have a modified working set, those changes remain on the branch you modified after a DOLT_CHECKOUT(). Uncommitted changes in the working set do not transfer to the checked out branch as on the command line. We modified this behavior in the SQL context because multiple users may be connected to the same branch. Having one user bring changes from various other branches with them when they switch branches is too disruptive in the multi-tenant SQL context.
DOLT_CHECKOUT() with a branch argument has two side effects on your session state:
The session's current database, as returned by SELECT DATABASE(), is now the unqualified database name.
For the remainder of this session, references to the unqualified name of this database will resolve to the branch checked out.
See the comments after the statements below for an example of this behavior, and also read Using Branches
set autocommit =on;use mydb/branch1; -- current db is now `mydb/branch1`insert into t1 values (1); -- modifying the `branch1` branchcall dolt_checkout('branch2'); -- current db is now `mydb`insert into t1 values (2); -- modifying the `branch2` branchuse mydb/branch3; -- current db is now `mydb/branch3`insert into mydb.t1 values (3); -- modifying the `branch2` branch
-b: Create a new branch with the given name.
-B: Similar to -b, but will move a branch if it already exists.
-t: When creating a new branch, set up 'upstream' configuration.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| status | int | 0 if successful, 1 if not |
| message | text | success/failure information |
-- Set the current database for the sessionUSE mydb;-- Create and checkout to a new branch.CALL DOLT_CHECKOUT('-b', 'feature-branch');-- Make modificationsUPDATE tableSET column ="new value"WHERE pk ="key";-- Stage and commit all changes.CALL DOLT_COMMIT('-a', '-m', 'committing all changes');-- Go back to mainCALL DOLT_CHECKOUT('main');
Apply the changes introduced by an existing commit.
Apply changes from existing commit and creates a new commit from the current HEAD.
--abort: Abort the current conflict resolution process, and revert all changes from the in-process cherry-pick operation.
--allow-empty: Allow empty commits to be cherry-picked. Note that use of this option only keeps commits that were initially empty. Commits which become empty, due to a previous commit, will cause cherry-pick to fail.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| hash | text | hash of the applied commit |
| data_conflicts | int | number of data conflicts |
| schema_conflicts | int | number of schema conflicts |
| constraint_violations | int | number of constraint violations |
For the below example consider the following set up of main and mybranch branches:
-- Checkout main branchCALL DOLT_CHECKOUT('main');-- View a log of commitsSELECT commit_hash, message FROM dolt_log;+----------------------------------+----------------------------+| commit_hash | message |+----------------------------------+----------------------------+| 7e2q0hibo2m2af874i4e7isgnum74j4m | create a new table || omuqq67att6vfnka94drdallu4983gnr | Initialize data repository |+----------------------------------+----------------------------+2rowsinset (0.00 sec)-- View the tableSELECT * FROM mytable;Emptyset (0.00 sec)-- Checkout new branchCALL DOLT_CHECKOUT('mybranch');-- View a log of commitsSELECT commit_hash, message FROM dolt_log;+----------------------------------+----------------------------+| commit_hash | message |+----------------------------------+----------------------------+| 577isdjbq1951k2q4dqhli06jlauo51p | add3, 4, 5to the table || k318tpmqn4l97ofpaerato9c3m70lc14 | add1, 2to the table || 7e2q0hibo2m2af874i4e7isgnum74j4m | create a new table || omuqq67att6vfnka94drdallu4983gnr | Initialize data repository |+----------------------------------+----------------------------+4rowsinset (0.00 sec)-- View the tableSELECT * FROM mytable;+---+| a |+---+| 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 |+---+5rowsinset (0.00 sec)
We want to cherry-pick only the change introduced in commit hash 'k318tpmqn4l97ofpaerato9c3m70lc14', which inserts 1 and 2 to the table. Specifying 'mybranch~1' instead of the commit hash also works.
-- Checkout main branchCALL DOLT_CHECKOUT('main');-- Cherry-pick the commitCALL DOLT_CHERRY_PICK('k318tpmqn4l97ofpaerato9c3m70lc14');+----------------------------------+| hash |+----------------------------------+| mh518gdgbsut8m705b7b5rie9neq9uaj |+----------------------------------+1rowinset (0.02 sec)mydb> SELECT * FROM mytable;+---+| a |+---+| 1 || 2 |+---+2rowsinset (0.00 sec)mydb> SELECT commit_hash, message FROM dolt_log;+----------------------------------+----------------------------+| commit_hash | message |+----------------------------------+----------------------------+| mh518gdgbsut8m705b7b5rie9neq9uaj | add1, 2to the table || 7e2q0hibo2m2af874i4e7isgnum74j4m | create a new table || omuqq67att6vfnka94drdallu4983gnr | Initialize data repository |+----------------------------------+----------------------------+3rowsinset (0.00 sec)
Deletes untracked tables in the working set.
Deletes only specified untracked tables if table names passed as arguments.
With --dry-run flag, tests whether removing untracked tables will return with zero status.
--dry-run: Test removing untracked tables from working set.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| status | int | 0 if successful, 1 if not |
-- Create three new tablescreatetabletracked (x intprimary key);createtablecommitted (x intprimary key);createtableuntracked (x intprimary key);-- Commit the first tablecall dolt_add('committed');call dolt_commit('-m', 'commit a table');+----------------------------------+| hash |+----------------------------------+| n7gle7jv6aqf72stbdicees6iduhuoo9 |+----------------------------------+-- Track the second tablecall dolt_add('tracked');-- Observe database statusselect*from dolt_status;+------------+--------+-----------+| table_name | staged | status |+------------+--------+-----------+| tracked | true | new table || untracked | false | new table |+------------+--------+-----------+-- Clear untracked tablescall dolt_clean('untracked');-- Observe final statusselect*from dolt_status;+------------+--------+-----------+| table_name | staged | status |+------------+--------+-----------+| tracked | true | new table |+------------+--------+-----------+-- Committed and tracked tables are preservedshow tables;+----------------+| Tables_in_tmp3 |+----------------+| committed || tracked |+----------------+
Clones an existing Dolt database into a new database within the current Dolt environment. The existing database must be specified as an argument, either as a file URL that points to an existing Dolt database on disk, or a doltremote URL for remote hosted database (e.g. a database hosted on DoltHub or DoltLab), or a <org>/<database> (e.g. dolthub/us-jails) as a shorthand for a database hosted on DoltHub. An additional argument can optionally be supplied to specify the name of the new, cloned database, otherwise the current name of the existing database will be used.
NOTE: When cloning from a file URL, you must currently include the .dolt/noms subdirectories. For more details see the GitHub tracking issue, dolt#1860.
--remote: Name of the remote to be added to the new, cloned database. The default is 'origin'.
-b, --branch: The branch to be cloned. If not specified all branches will be cloned.
--depth: Clone a single branch and limit history to the given commit depth.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| status | int | 0 if successful, 1 if not |
-- Clone the dolthub/us-jails database from DoltHub using the <org>/<database> notation.CALL DOLT_CLONE('dolthub/us-jails');-- Use the new, cloned database-- NOTE: backticks are required for database names with hyphensUSE `us-jails`;SHOW TABLES;+-----------------------------+| Tables_in_us-jails |+-----------------------------+| incidents || inmate_population_snapshots || jails |+-----------------------------+-- Clone the dolthub/museum-collections database, this time using a doltremoteapi URL, cloning-- only a single branch, customizing the remote name, and providing a custom database name.CALL DOLT_CLONE('-branch', 'prod', '-remote', 'dolthub','', 'taxis');-- Verify that only the prod branch was clonedUSE taxis;SELECT * FROM DOLT_BRANCHES;+------+----------------------------------+------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+------------------------------+| name | hash | latest_committer | latest_committer_email | latest_commit_date | latest_commit_message |+------+----------------------------------+------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+------------------------------+| prod | 1s61u4rbbd26u0tlpdhb46cuejd1dogj | oscarbatori | | 2021-06-1417:52:58.702 | Added first cut of trip data |+------+----------------------------------+------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+------------------------------+-- Verify that the default remote for this new, cloned database is named "dolthub" (not "origin")SELECT * FROM DOLT_REMOTES;+---------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------+| name | url | fetch_specs | params |+---------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------+| dolthub | | ["refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/dolthub/*"] | {} |+---------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------+
Commits staged tables to HEAD. Works exactly like dolt commit with each value directly following the flag.
DOLT_COMMIT() also commits the current transaction.
CALL DOLT_COMMIT('-a', '-m', 'This is a commit');CALL DOLT_COMMIT('-m', 'This is a commit');CALL DOLT_COMMIT('-m', 'This is a commit', '--author', 'John Doe <>');
-m, --message: Use the given <msg> as the commit message. Required
-a, --all: Stages all modified tables (but not newly created tables) before committing.
-A, --ALL: Stages all tables (including new tables) before committing.
--allow-empty: Allow recording a commit that has the exact same data as its sole parent. This is usually a mistake, so it is disabled by default. This option bypasses that safety.
--skip-empty: Record a commit only if there are changes to be committed. The commit operation will be a no-op, instead of an error, if there are no changes staged to commit. An error will be thrown if --skip-empty is used with --allow-empty.
--date: Specify the date used in the commit. If not specified the current system time is used.
--author: Specify an explicit author using the standard "A U Thor" format.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| hash | text | hash of the commit created |
-- Set the current database for the sessionUSE mydb;-- Make modificationsUPDATE tableSET column ="new value"WHERE pk ="key";-- Stage all changes and commit.CALL DOLT_COMMIT('-a', '-m', 'This is a commit', '--author', 'John Doe <>');
When a merge finds conflicting changes, it documents them in the dolt_conflicts table. A conflict is between two versions: ours (the rows at the destination branch head) and theirs (the rows at the source branch head). dolt conflicts resolve will automatically resolve the conflicts by taking either the ours or theirs versions for each row.
<table>: List of tables to be resolved. '.' can be used to resolve all tables.
--ours: For all conflicts, take the version from our branch and resolve the conflict.
--theirs: For all conflicts, take the version from their branch and resolve the conflict.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| status | int | 0 if successful, 1 if not |
-- Set the current database for the sessionUSE mydb;-- Attempt mergeCALL DOLT_MERGE('feature-branch');-- Check for conflictsSELECT * FROM dolt_conflicts;-- Resolve conflicts for tables t1 and t2 with rows from our branch.CALL DOLT_CONFLICTS_RESOLVE('--ours', 't1', 't2');
Fetch refs, along with the objects necessary to complete their histories and update remote-tracking branches. Works exactly like dolt fetch on the CLI, and takes the same arguments.
--prune, -p: After fetching, remove any remote-tracking references that don't exist on the remote.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| status | int | 0 if successful, 1 if not |
-- Get remote mainCALL DOLT_FETCH('origin', 'main');-- Inspect the hash of the fetched remote branchSELECT HASHOF('origin/main');-- Merge remote main with current branchCALL DOLT_MERGE('origin/main');
Dropping the second argument, or passing NULL, will result is using the default refspec.
Cleans up unreferenced data from the database. Running the dolt_gc procedure on a Dolt sql-server will block all writes while garbage collection is in progress.
CALL DOLT_GC();CALL DOLT_GC('--shallow');
--shallow Performs a faster but less thorough garbage collection.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| status | int | 0 if successful, 1 if not |
To prevent concurrent writes potentially referencing garbage collected chunks, running call dolt_gc() will break all open connections to the running server. In flight queries on those connections may fail and must be retried. Re-establishing connections after they are broken is safe.
At the end of the run, the connection which ran call dolt_gc() will be left open in order to deliver the results of the operation itself. The connection will be left in a terminally broken state where any attempt to run a query on it will result in the following error:
ERROR 1105 (HY000): this connection was established when this server performed an online
garbage collection. this connection can no longer be used. please reconnect.
The connection should be closed. In some connection pools it can be awkward to cause a single connection to actually close. If you need to run call dolt_gc() programmatically, one work around is to use a separate connection pool with a size of 1 which can be closed after the run is successful.
Incorporates changes from the named commits (since the time their histories diverged from the current branch) into the current branch. Works exactly like dolt merge on the CLI, and takes the same arguments.
Any resulting merge conflicts must be resolved before the transaction can be committed or a new Dolt commit created. DOLT_MERGE() creates a new commit for any successful merge with auto-generated commit message if not defined.
CALL DOLT_MERGE('feature-branch'); -- Optional --squash parameterCALL DOLT_MERGE('feature-branch', '--no-ff', '-m', 'This is a msg for a non fast forward merge');CALL DOLT_MERGE('--abort');
The dolt_merge() procedure implicitly commits the current transaction and begins a new one.
--no-ff: Create a merge commit even when the merge resolves as a fast-forward.
--squash: Merges changes to the working set without updating the commit history
-m <msg>, --message=<msg>: Use the given as the commit message. This is only useful for --non-ff commits.
--abort: Abort the current conflict resolution process, and try to reconstruct the pre-merge state.
--author: Specify an explicit author using the standard A U Thor <> format.
When merging a branch, your session state must be clean. COMMIT orROLLBACK any changes, then DOLT_COMMIT() to create a new dolt commit on the target branch.
If the merge causes conflicts or constraint violations, you must resolve them using the dolt_conflicts system tables before the transaction can be committed. See Dolt system tables for details.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| hash | text | hash of the merge commit |
| fast_forward | int | whether the merge was a fast forward |
| conflicts | int | number of conflicts created |
| message | text | optional informational message |
-- Set the current database for the sessionUSE mydb;-- Create and checkout to a new branch.CALL DOLT_CHECKOUT('-b', 'feature-branch');-- Make modificationsUPDATE tableSET column ="new value"WHERE pk ="key";-- Stage and commit all changes.CALL DOLT_COMMIT('-a', '-m', 'committing all changes');-- Go back to mainCALL DOLT_MERGE('feature-branch', '--author', 'John Doe <>');
Fetch from and integrate with another database or a local branch. In its default mode, dolt pull is shorthand for dolt fetch followed by dolt merge <remote>/<branch>. Works exactly like dolt pull on the CLI, and takes the same arguments.
Any resulting merge conflicts must be resolved before the transaction can be committed or a new Dolt commit created.
--no-ff: Create a merge commit even when the merge resolves as a fast-forward.
--squash: Merges changes to the working set without updating the commit history
--force: Ignores any foreign key warnings and proceeds with the commit.
--prune, -p: After fetching, remove any remote-tracking references that don't exist on the remote.
When merging a branch, your session state must be clean. COMMIT orROLLBACK any changes, then DOLT_COMMIT() to create a new dolt commit on the target branch.
If the merge causes conflicts or constraint violations, you must resolve them using the dolt_conflicts system tables before the transaction can be committed. See Dolt system tables for details.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| fast_forward | int | whether the pull was a fast forward |
| conflicts | int | number of conflicts created |
| message | text | optional informational message |
-- Update local working set with remote changes-- Note: this requires upstream tracking information to be set in order for-- Dolt to know what remote branch to mergeCALL DOLT_PULL('origin');-- Update local working set with remote changes from an explicit branchCALL DOLT_PULL('origin', 'some-branch');-- View a log of new commitsSELECT * FROM dolt_log LIMIT 5;
Permanently deletes any dropped databases that are being held in a temporary holding area. When a Dolt database is dropped, it is moved to a temporary holding area where the dolt_undrop() stored procedure can restore it. The dolt_purge_dropped_databases() stored procedure clears this holding area and permanently deletes any data from those databases. This action is not reversible, so callers should be cautious about using it. The main benefit of using this function is to reclaim disk space used by the temporary holding area. Because this is a destructive operation, callers must have SUPER privileges in order to execute it.
-- Create a database and populate a table in the working set CREATE DATABASE database1;use database1;createtablet(pk intprimary key);-- Dropping the database will move it to a temporary holding area DROP DATABASE database1;-- At this point, the database can be restored by calling dolt_undrop('database1'), but-- instead, we permanently delete it by calling dolt_purge_dropped_databases().CALL dolt_purge_dropped_databases();
Updates remote refs using local refs, while sending objects necessary to complete the given refs. Works exactly like dolt push on the CLI, and takes the same arguments.
--force: Update the remote with local history, overwriting any conflicting history in the remote.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| status | int | 0 if successful, 1 if not |
| message | text | optional informational message |
-- Checkout new branchCALL DOLT_CHECKOUT('-b', 'feature-branch');-- Add a tableCREATE TABLE test (a intprimary key);-- Create commitCALL DOLT_COMMIT('-a', '-m', 'create table test');-- Push to remoteCALL DOLT_PUSH('origin', 'feature-branch');
Rewrites commit history for the current branch by replaying commits, allowing the commits to be reordered, squashed, or dropped. The commits included in the rebase plan are the commits reachable by the current branch, but NOT reachable from the branch specified as the argument when starting a rebase (also known as the upstream branch). This is the same as Git and Dolt's "two dot log" syntax, or |upstreamBranch|..|currentBranch|.
For example, consider the commit graph below, where a feature branch has branched off of a main branch, and both branches have added commits:
A → B → C → D → E → F main ↘ G → H → I feature
If we rebase from the feature branch using the main branch as our upstream, the default rebase plan will include commits G, H, and I, since those commits are reachable from our current branch, but NOT reachable from the upstream branch. By default, the changes from those same commits will be reapplied, in the same order, to the tip of the upstream branch main. The resulting commit graph will then look like:
A → B → C → D → E → F main ↘ G' → H' → I' feature
Rebasing is useful to clean and organize your commit history, especially before merging a feature branch back to a shared branch. For example, you can drop commits that contain debugging or test changes, or squash or fixup small commits into a single commit, or reorder commits so that related changes are adjacent in the new commit history.
Currently only interactive rebases are supported. Conflict resolution for data conflicts is supported through Dolt's standard conflict resolution process, but conflict resolution for schema conflicts is not supported. If a rebase encounters a schema conflict, the rebase will be automatically aborted.
--interactive or -i: Start an interactive rebase. Currently only interactive rebases are supported, so this option is required.
--continue: Continue an interactive rebase after adjusting the rebase plan stored in dolt_rebase.
--abort: Abort a rebase in progress.
--empty: How to handle commits that are not empty to start, but which become empty after rebasing. Valid values are: drop (default) or keep. This option may only be specified when starting a rebase, and is not valid when continuing a rebase.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| status | int | 0 if successful, 1 if not |
| message | text | success/failure information |
-- create a simple tablecreatetablet (pk intprimary key);call dolt_commit('-Am', 'creating table t');-- create a new branch that we'll add more commits to latercall dolt_branch('branch1');-- create another commit on the main branch, right after where branch1 branched offinsert into t values (0);call dolt_commit('-am', 'inserting row 0');-- switch to branch1 and create three more commits that each insert one row call dolt_checkout('branch1');insert into t values (1);call dolt_commit('-am', 'inserting row 1');insert into t values (2);call dolt_commit('-am', 'inserting row 2');insert into t values (3);call dolt_commit('-am', 'inserting row 3');-- check out what our commit history on branch1 looks like before we rebaseselect commit_hash, messagefrom dolt_log;+----------------------------------+----------------------------+| commit_hash | message |+----------------------------------+----------------------------+| tsq01op7b48ij6dfa2tst60vbfm9rcus | inserting row3 || uou7dibe86e9939pu8fdtjdce5pt7v1c | inserting row2 || 3umkjmqeeep5ho7nn0iggfinajoo1l6q | inserting row1 || 35gfll6o322aq9uffdqin1dqmq7q3vek | creating table t || do1tp9u39vsja3c8umshv9p6fernr0lt | Inіtіalizе dаta repоsitоry |+----------------------------------+----------------------------+-- start an interactive rebase and check out the default rebase plan; this will rebase -- all the new commits on this branch and move them to the tip of the main branch call dolt_rebase('-i', 'main');select*from dolt_rebase order by rebase_order;+--------------+--------+----------------------------------+-----------------+| rebase_order | action | commit_hash | commit_message |+--------------+--------+----------------------------------+-----------------+| 1.00 | pick | 3umkjmqeeep5ho7nn0iggfinajoo1l6q | inserting row1 || 2.00 | pick | uou7dibe86e9939pu8fdtjdce5pt7v1c | inserting row2 || 3.00 | pick | tsq01op7b48ij6dfa2tst60vbfm9rcus | inserting row3 |+--------------+--------+----------------------------------+-----------------+-- adjust the rebase plan to reword the first commit, drop the commit that inserted row 2,-- and combine the third commit into the previous commit update dolt_rebase setaction='reword', commit_message='insert rows'where rebase_order=1;update dolt_rebase setaction='drop'where rebase_order=2;update dolt_rebase setaction='fixup'where rebase_order=3;-- continue rebasing now that we've adjusted the rebase plan call dolt_rebase('--continue');-- check out the historyselect commit_hash, messagefrom dolt_log;+----------------------------------+----------------------------+| commit_hash | message |+----------------------------------+----------------------------+| 8jc1dpj25fv6f2kn3bd47uokc8hs1vp0 | insertrows || hb9fnqnrsd5ghq3fgag0kiq6nvpsasvo | inserting row0 || 35gfll6o322aq9uffdqin1dqmq7q3vek | creating table t || do1tp9u39vsja3c8umshv9p6fernr0lt | Inіtіalizе dаta repоsitоry |+----------------------------------+----------------------------+
Adds a remote for a database at given url, or removes an existing remote with its remote-tracking branches and configuration settings. Similar to dolt remote command on the CLI, with the exception of cloud provider flags. To list existing remotes, use the dolt_remotes system table.
| Field | Type | Description |
| status | int | 0 if successful, 1 if not |
-- Add a HTTP remoteCALL DOLT_REMOTE('add','origin','');-- Add a HTTP remote with shorthand notation for the URLCALL DOLT_REMOTE('add','origin1','Dolthub/museum-collections');-- Add a filesystem based remoteCALL DOLT_REMOTE('add','origin2','file:///Users/jennifer/datasets/museum-collections');-- List remotes to check.SELECT * FROM dolt_remotes;+---------+--------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------+| name | url | fetch_specs | params |+---------+--------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------+| origin | | ["refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"] | {} || origin1 | | ["refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin1/*"] | {} || origin2 | file:///Users/jennifer/datasets/museum-collections | ["refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin2/*"] | {} |+---------+--------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------+-- Remove a remoteCALL DOLT_REMOTE('remove','origin1');-- List remotes to check.SELECT * FROM dolt_remotes;+---------+--------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------+| name | url | fetch_specs | params |+---------+--------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------+| origin | | ["refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"] | {} || origin2 | file:///Users/jennifer/datasets/museum-collections | ["refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin2/*"] | {} |+---------+--------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------+
Default mode resets staged tables to their HEAD state. Can also be used to reset a database to a specific commit. Works exactly like dolt reset on the CLI, and takes the same arguments.
Like other data modifications, after a reset you must COMMIT the transaction for any changes to affected tables to be visible to other clients.
With the --hard option, the dolt_reset() procedure implicitly commits the current transaction and begins a new one.
--hard: Resets the working tables and staged tables. Any changes to tracked tables in the working tree since are discarded.
--soft: Does not touch the working tables, but removes all tables staged to be committed. This is the default behavior.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| status | int | 0 if successful, 1 if not |
-- Set the current database for the sessionUSE mydb;-- Make modificationsUPDATE tableSET column ="new value"WHERE pk ="key";-- Reset the changes permanently.CALL DOLT_RESET('--hard');-- Makes some more changes.UPDATE tableSET column ="new value"WHERE pk ="key";-- Stage the table.CALL DOLT_ADD('table')-- Unstage the table.CALL DOLT_RESET('table')
Reverts the changes introduced in a commit, or set of commits. Creates a new commit from the current HEAD that reverses the changes in all the specified commits. If multiple commits are given, they are applied in the order given.
--author=<author>: Specify an explicit author using the standard A U Thor <> format.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| status | int | 0 if successful, 1 if not |
-- Create a table and add data in multiple commitsCREATE TABLE t1(pk INT PRIMARY KEY, c VARCHAR(255));CALL dolt_add("t1")CALL dolt_commit("-m", "Creating table t1");INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, "a"), (2, "b"), (3, "c");CALL dolt_commit("-am", "Adding some data");insert into t1 VALUES(10, "aa"), (20, "bb"), (30, "cc");CALL dolt_commit("-am", "Adding some more data");-- Examine the changes made in the commit immediately before the current HEAD commitSELECT to_pk, to_c, to_commit, diff_type FROM dolt_diff_t1 WHERE to_commit=hashof("HEAD~1");+-------+------+----------------------------------+-----------+| to_pk | to_c | to_commit | diff_type |+-------+------+----------------------------------+-----------+| 1 | a | fc4fks6jutcnee9ka6458nmuot7rl1r2 | added || 2 | b | fc4fks6jutcnee9ka6458nmuot7rl1r2 | added || 3 | c | fc4fks6jutcnee9ka6458nmuot7rl1r2 | added |+-------+------+----------------------------------+-----------+-- Revert the commit immediately before the current HEAD commitCALL dolt_revert("HEAD~1");-- Check out the new commit created by dolt_revertSELECT commit_hash, message FROM dolt_log limit1;+----------------------------------+---------------------------+| commit_hash | message |+----------------------------------+---------------------------+| vbevrdghj3in3napcgdsch0mq7f8en4v | Revert"Adding some data" |+----------------------------------+---------------------------+-- View the exact changes made by the revert commitSELECT from_pk, from_c, to_commit, diff_type FROM dolt_diff_t1 WHERE to_commit=hashof("HEAD");+---------+--------+----------------------------------+-----------+| from_pk | from_c | to_commit | diff_type |+---------+--------+----------------------------------+-----------+| 1 | a | vbevrdghj3in3napcgdsch0mq7f8en4v | removed || 2 | b | vbevrdghj3in3napcgdsch0mq7f8en4v | removed || 3 | c | vbevrdghj3in3napcgdsch0mq7f8en4v | removed |+---------+--------+----------------------------------+-----------+
Creates a new tag that points at specified commit ref, or deletes an existing tag. Works exactly like dolt tag command on the CLI, and takes the same arguments except for listing tags. To list existing tags, use dolt_tags system table.
--author: Specify an explicit author using the standard "A U Thor" format.
Output Schema
| Field | Type | Description |
| status | int | 0 if successful, 1 if not |
-- Set the current database for the sessionUSE mydb;-- Make modificationsUPDATE tableSET column ="new value"WHERE pk ="key";-- Stage and commit all changes.CALL DOLT_COMMIT('-am', 'committing all changes');-- Create a tag for the HEAD commit.CALL DOLT_TAG('v1','head','-m','creating v1 tag');
dolt_undrop() takes a single argument – the name of the dropped database to restore. When called without any arguments, dolt_undrop() returns an error message that contains a list of all dropped databases that are available to be restored.
-- Create a database and populate a table in the working set CREATE DATABASE database1;use database1;