% dolt clone dolthub/options
cloning https://doltremoteapi.dolthub.com/dolthub/options
% cd options
% dolt status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
The first step required to enable a Dolt database to run CI is to run the dolt ci init command. This command will create Dolt's internal CI tables and also writes a new commit to the branch.
% dolt ci init
% dolt log -n 1
commit mptat9ijrblrb2q4j2digq9miav3vfv0 (HEAD -> master)
Author: 😺😺😺😺 <dustin@dolthub.com>
Date: Wed Nov 13 15:36:27 -0800 2024
Successfully initialized Dolt CI
After CI initialization, we need to create the workflow file that will define our CI tests.
Defining a Workflow
Modeled after GitHub Action's Workflows, Dolt CI is configured with a yaml file that gets imported into the database.
Let's create an example workflow.yaml file now.
# workflow.yaml
name: my first DoltHub workflow
- master
- name: validate tables
- name: assert expected tables exist
saved_query_name: show tables
expected_rows: "== 2"
The above workflow.yaml definition should look pretty familiar to GitHub Action's users.
It defines a new Dolt workflow named "my first DoltHub workflow" in the top-level name field, specifies when this workflow should run in the on field, and what should happen when the workflow runs, defined in the jobs field. Each of these top-level fields is required.
A Workflow's name must be unique and is case-insensitive.
The on field defines when the workflow should run, or rather, what Events should trigger the workflow to run. The above workflow is configured to run whenever a push to this database's master branch occurs.
jobs defines the work to be performed when the workflow is run. Each workflow Job must have a unique name and at least one step defined in the steps field. Currently, these Steps are where Dolt CI differs the most from GitHub Actions.
In GitHub Actions, a workflow step, or action step, can be the running of an arbitrary binary or snippet of code that is executed as part of a Job. For Dolt CI though, at least in its current form, a job step can only execute a Saved Query, which must be identified by name in the saved_query_name field.
A Saved Query in Dolt, is an arbitrary SQL query stored in the database for execution at a later time. By specifying the name of the saved query in the workflow.yaml file, we are configuring CI to execute the "show tables" saved query against the master branch, whenever a push to master occurs.
Additionally, each "step" optionally allows an expected_rows or expected_columns field to be defined, which can be used to assert the number of rows or columns in the resulting output of the saved query.
For this simple example, we will assert that the number of rows returned from our "show tables" saved query will be equal to (==), 2.
Let's save this file, and store our new workflow in the database.
To do this, we simply use the dolt ci import <file> command.
% dolt ci import workflow.yaml
% dolt log -n 1
commit 0r25jqhrh26p0s9g7s8pes6qdrmq7bf0 (HEAD -> master)
Author: 😺😺😺😺 <dustin@dolthub.com>
Date: Wed Nov 13 15:37:01 -0800 2024
Successfully stored workflow: my first DoltHub workflow
Like the dolt ci init command earlier, this command also automatically creates a new commit. At this point the file we created workflow.yaml is no longer needed, as the configuration has been persisted in the Dolt database.
If we ever need this file again, we can simply list the defined workflows in the database with the dolt ci ls command, then export the workflow back to yaml with the dolt ci export <workflow name> command.
% dolt ci ls
my first DoltHub workflow
% dolt ci export "my first dolthub workflow"
Dolt CI Workflow 'my first DoltHub workflow' exported to /Users/dustin/doltdbs/options/my_first_DoltHub_workflow.yaml.
% ls
The final step we need to perform on our local database is to define the saved query named "show tables".
Defining a saved query
A saved query can be added by using the dolt sql command with the --save option. And, as the name of our saved query suggests, we'll save the query "SHOW TABLES;".
% dolt sql --save "show tables" -q "SHOW TABLES;"
| Tables_in_options |
| option_chain |
| volatility_history |
% dolt status
On branch master
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.
(use "dolt push" to publish your local commits)
Untracked tables:
(use "dolt add <table>" to include in what will be committed)
new table: dolt_query_catalog
Above we can see the expected output of the "show tables" saved query. The results have two rows, one row for each table in the database.
After creating the saved query, we can see the creation of the internal dolt_query_catalog table which stores saved queries. We now need to add and commit this new table to our database.
Once we push the master branch, DoltHub will run our workflow for the first time. It does this by creating a new Dolt CI Job, in the same way it creates Jobs for pull request merges.
Dolt CI Jobs are visible on from the "Jobs" tab.
Here you can see the workflow job we defined in our yaml file "validate tables" is now running. Notice that for the time being, all Dolt CI Jobs will say they were created by the database owner, regardless of the person responsible for the push event. This will be fixed at a later date.
If the Dolt CI Job is successful, meaning the saved query succeeded and the expected number of rows were found, the Job will have status "Succeeded". If the Job failed, the status would be "Failed" and we would see a relevant failure message on the Job's detail page.
To demonstrate what this looks like, let's update our workflow.yaml file to include another step. This time, let's add a step for a saved query that does not exist in the database.
# workflow.yaml
name: my first DoltHub workflow
- master
- name: validate tables
- name: assert expected tables exist
saved_query_name: show tables
expected_rows: "== 2"
- name: assert table option_chain exists
saved_query_name: option_chain exists
You can see that we've now added a step called "assert table option_chain exists" to our workflow, which uses a saved query "option_chain exists". Let's import these new changes into our local database, but skip saving the saved query "option_chain exists".
% dolt ci import workflow.yaml
% dolt log -n 1
commit gngghlouuq6g4k8fs8qpldvr0scfcjvr (HEAD -> master)
Author: 😺😺😺😺 <dustin@dolthub.com>
Date: Wed Nov 13 15:56:00 -0800 2024
Successfully stored workflow: my first DoltHub workflow
% dolt push origin master
- Uploading...
To https://doltremoteapi.dolthub.com/dolthub/options
* [new branch] master -> master
Now with our workflow configuration updated and pushed to DoltHub, we can go check the status of our new Workflow Job.
As expected, the Workflow Job that ran on push now failed. And if we click "View details" we can see that it's because we did not add the saved query to the database.
Ok, so let's fix the step we just added by adding the saved query "option_chain exists" to the database and pushing the changes.
% dolt sql --save "option_chain exists" -q "select * from option_chain limit 1;"
| date | act_symbol | expiration | strike | call_put | bid | ask | vol | delta | gamma | theta | vega | rho |
| 2019-02-09 | A | 2019-02-15 | 65.00 | Call | 10.50 | 11.25 | 0.2705 | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | -0.0046 | 0.0000 | 0.0124 |
% dolt status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "dolt add <table>" to update what will be committed)
(use "dolt checkout <table>" to discard changes in working directory)
modified: dolt_query_catalog
% dolt add .
% dolt commit -m 'add option_chain exists saved query'
commit g8hm71ar28djfv1q08uvphn44njuecb7 (HEAD -> master)
Author: 😺😺😺😺 <dustin@dolthub.com>
Date: Wed Nov 13 16:04:15 -0800 2024
add option_chain exists saved query
% dolt push origin master
\ Uploading...
To https://doltremoteapi.dolthub.com/dolthub/options
* [new branch] master -> master
And after that latest Workflow Job completes, we can see that our "validate tables" Job is passing again!
Getting fancier
Let's update our workflow.yaml once more, but get a little fancier with it.
Above, we've done quite a bit more than before. With this updated workflow we now have added additional job definitions that will check each tables' schema, and ensure each table has data.
After importing this new workflow.yaml into our local database, we create all of the saved queries we've referenced above in the file. The queries for each are shown in the dolt_query_catalog table below.
After we push these new changes to DoltHub, they'll be live.
Now, let's say that hypothetically, a new committer, unaware of the updated workflow we've defined, comes along and decides to delete all data from the option_chain table and pushes this change to master.
% dolt sql -q "delete from option_chain;"
Query OK, 71203454 rows affected (0.00 sec)
% dolt status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "dolt add <table>" to update what will be committed)
(use "dolt checkout <table>" to discard changes in working directory)
modified: option_chain
% dolt add .
% dolt commit -m 'remove option_chain data'
commit gjo41are9nbo4ocq9faapickmqtum26q (HEAD -> master)
Author: 😺😺😺😺 <dustin@dolthub.com>
Date: Wed Nov 13 19:00:31 -0800 2024
remove option_chain data
% dolt push origin master
- Uploading...
To https://doltremoteapi.dolthub.com/dolthub/options
* [new branch] master -> master
Our updated workflow defined for this database will kick-off each of the Workflow Jobs, as seen in the image below.
But, we'd expect the "check data" Workflow Job to fail. And, it does.
If we click "View details", we can see the failure resulted from expecting > 0 rows, but got 0.