Workflow Reference

Workflows are yaml files stored in a Dolt database that specify one or more CI Jobs and identify when those Job(s) should run.

name: "workflow name"
      - main
      - main
  - name: "job name"
      - name: "step name"
        saved_query_name: "saved query name"
        expected_rows: "== 2"
        expected_columns: "== 1"


String. The case-insensitive name of the workflow, must be unique. Required.


on identifies the events that should trigger the workflow to run. Required.


Runs workflow whenever a push event occurs. Optional.

A push event refers to a branch head update on the remote database, usually following the dolt push command.


Runs workflow whenever a pull_request event occurs. Optional.

A pull_request event refers to any "activity" or action involving a pull request on the remote database. Activities on pull request might include, but are not limited to, opening a pull request, closing a pull request, or synchronizing a pull request.


List of Strings. The branches filter indicates which branch(es) should cause the workflow to run. Required.

For example, if the main branch is listed under on.push.branches, then only a push to main will trigger the workflow to run.

In the case of on.pull_request.branches, branches listed refer to the base branch of the pull request. If main is specified as a branch in this case, a pull request opened with main as its base branch will trigger the workflow.


List of Strings. The activities filter indicates which pull request activity types should trigger a workflow. Optional.

Supported types as of Dolt v1.45.3 are:

  • opened

  • closed

  • reopened


jobs specifies one or more Jobs a workflow should run when it is triggered. Required.

String. The case-insensitive name of a job, must be unique. Required.


steps are a sequence of checks or tests to execute against the database during a workflow run. Required.

Steps run in the order they are defined.

String. The case-insensitive name of a step, must be unique. Required.


String. The name of the saved query that should be executed during the workflow run. Required.


String. The number of expected rows resulting from the execution of the named saved query. Optional.

This should be in the format: <comparator> <number>, for example, != 15. Valid comparators are:

  • == for equals

  • != for not equals

  • > for greater than

  • >= for greater than or equal to

  • < for less than

  • <= for less than or equal to


String. The number of expected columns resulting from the execution of the named saved query. Optional.

This should be in the format: <comparator> <number>, for example, != 15. Valid comparators are:

  • == for equals

  • != for not equals

  • > for greater than

  • >= for greater than or equal to

  • < for less than

  • <= for less than or equal to

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