Dolt has the ability to host a SQL server and take in user queries to create, modify, and drop tables. The server allows users to provide a config file through the --config option. A customer claimed that the read_only flag in their config file was not being respected when using the dolt server; this means that the server was allowing users to run queries that modified data on the server.
First off, let's try to reproduce the issue. Create a dolt database:
We have a file called located in ~/dolt_workspace/dolt/integration-tests/bats/helper, which contains many useful helper methods for testing dolt sql-server. I wrote a quick Python script using methods from to send queries and look at the results manually.
from pytest import*# Create a new connectiondc =DoltConnection(port=3000, database="test_db", user="dolt", auto_commit=1)dc.connect()try: actual_rows, num_rows = dc.query("create table t(a int)", False)print("no problems")exceptBaseExceptionas e:print('caught exception:', str(e))
For some reason, the NewSqlEngine constructor creates a new authenticator using auth.None, which always gives users full permissions. Instead, we should be passing in the authenticator already created that is based on permissions specified in the config file.
// NewSqlEngine returns a SqlEngine
func NewSqlEngine(
ctx context.Context,
mrEnv *env.MultiRepoEnv,
format PrintResultFormat,
initialDb string,
+ au auth.Auth,
autocommit bool) (*SqlEngine, error) {
- au := new(auth.None)
The method call to NewSqlEngine now looks like this:
This test basically creates a config file (with the read-only flag set to true), starts a dolt sql-server using the config file, sends a query to create a table, and checks to see if that table was created. So, it's an automated way to do everything we did earlier.
@test "sql-server: read-only flag prevents modification" {
skiponwindows "Has dependencies that are missing on the Jenkins Windows installation."
cd repo1
let PORT="$$ % (65536-1024) + 1024"
cat >config.yml <<EOF
log_level: debug
name: dolt
host: ""
port: $PORT
read_only: true
dolt sql-server --host --port=$PORT --user dolt --config ./config.yml &
wait_for_connection $PORT 5000
# No tables at the start
run dolt ls
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ "No tables in working set" ]] || false
# attempt to create table (autocommit on), expect either some exception
server_query repo1 1 "CREATE TABLE i_should_not_exist (
c0 INT
)" "" "not authorized: user does not have permission: write"
# Expect that there are still no tables
run dolt ls
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ "No tables in working set" ]] || false
Then, I ran the test using this shell script placed in the ~/dolt_workspace/dolt directory: