
DoltHub provides a database API for fetching and creating data on your database. You can create a database, create a pull request, create a pull request comment, and merge a pull request through these APIs.

Please make sure to send your requests to instead of

Create database

Here's an example of how to create a new database called museum-collections under the organization dolthub using an authorization token.

Creating a database requires authentication, so you must include this authorization header in your request. See the Authentication section for more details.

headers = {
    'authorization': '[api token you created]'

Create pull request

Here is an example of opening a pull request on the museum-collections database with data from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. This data was added to the lacma branch on a fork database, whose owner is liuliu, we would like to eventually merge lacma branch into the main branch using an authorization token.

Include this header in your request.

headers = {
    'authorization': '[api token you created]'

Get pull request details

This API allows you to retrieve the details of a specific pull request in the museum-collections database. In this example, we will retrieve the details of pull request #1.

Include this header in your request.

headers = {
    'authorization': '[api token you created]'

Update a pull request

This API allows you to update a pull request by providing the fields you want to update in the request body. You can update the title, description, and state (only closing a pull request is supported).

Here's an example of how to update pull request #1 on the museum-collections database. In this example, we will set a new title, description, and close the pull request.

headers = {
    'authorization': '[api token you created]'

List pull requests

Here is an example of listing pull requests for the museum-collections database using an authorization token. The response of pull request list is paginated, so you need to use the next page token included in the response to retrieve the following pages of pull requests.

Include this header in your request.

headers = {
    'authorization': '[api token you created]'

Create a pull request comment

Here is an example of adding a pull request comment using an authorization token.

Include this header in your request.

headers = {
    'authorization': '[api token you created]'

Merge pull request

Here is an example of merging a pull request #66 on a database museum-collections using an authorization token. Note that the merge operation is asynchronous and creates an operation that can be polled to get the result.

To poll the operation and check its status, you can use the operationName in the returned response of the merge request to query the API. Once the operation is complete, the response will contain a job_id field indicating the job that's running the merge, as well as other information such as the database_owner, database_name, and pull_id.

Keep in mind that the time it takes for the merge operation to complete can vary depending on the size of the pull request and the complexity of the changes being merged.

Include this header in your request with the API token you created.

headers = {
    'authorization': '[api token you created]'

Then use GET to poll the operation to check if the merge operation is done.

Upload a file

Here is an example of uploading a file lacma.csv to create a table lacma on a database museum-collections using an authorization token. Note that the file import operation is asynchronous and creates an operation that can be polled to get the result.

To poll the operation and check its status, you can use the operationName in the returned response of the file upload post to query the API. Once the operation is complete, the response will contain a job_id field indicating the job that's running the file import as well as the id of the pull request that's created when the import job is completed.

Keep in mind that the time it takes for the import operation to complete can vary depending on the size of the file and the complexity of the changes being applied to the database. The file size limit is 100 MB.

Include this header in your request with the API token you created.

headers = {
    'authorization': '[api token you created]'

To upload the file, include two fields in the request body, file and params, the file should be type of Blob, and params should be a JSON object.

Then use GET to poll the operation to check if the import operation is done.

Here is an example of uploading a CSV file to create a table through this api endpoint in Javascript, you can reference the dolt table import documentation for additional information.:

Please make sure to send your requests to{owner}/{database}/upload instead of{owner}/{database}/upload/, do not need the last /.

const fs = require("fs");

const url =

const headers = {
  "Content-Type": "application/json",
  authorization: [api token you created],

const filePath = "lacma.csv";


async function fetchFileAndSend(filePath) {
  const params = {
    tableName: "lacma",
    fileName: "lacma.csv",
    fileType: "Csv",
    importOp: "Create",
    primaryKeys: ["id"],

  const formData = new FormData();
  const fileData = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
  const blob = new Blob([buffer], { type: "application/octet-stream" });
  await formData.append("file", blob, "lacma.csv");
  formData.append("params", JSON.stringify(params));

  fetch(url, {
    method: "POST",
    body: formData,
   .then((response) => {
        // process response
    .catch((error) => {
      // process error

And an example of polling the job status in Javascript:

function pollOperation(op_name,branch_name) {
  const url = `https: //${branch_name}&operationName=${op_name}`;
  const headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    authorization: [api token you created],

  while (true) {
    const res = await fetch(url, {
      method: "GET",
    const data = await res.json();
    if (data.job_created) {
      return data;
    } else {
      await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));


Create a branch

Here's an example of how to create a new branch in database museum-collections under the organization dolthub using an authorization token.

Creating a branch requires authentication, so you must include this authorization header in your request. See the Authentication section for more details.

headers = {
    'authorization': '[api token you created]'

List branches

Here's an example of how to list branches in the database museum-collections under the organization dolthub using an authorization token.

Listing branches requires authentication, so you must include this authorization header in your request. See the Authentication section for more details.

headers = {
    'authorization': '[api token you created]'

Create a release

Here's an example of how to create a new release in the database museum-collections under the organization dolthub using an authorization token.

Creating a release requires authentication, so you must include this authorization header in your request. See the Authentication section for more details.

headers = {
    'authorization': '[api token you created]'

List releases

Here's an example of how to list releases in the database museum-collections under the organization dolthub using an authorization token.

Listing releases requires authentication, so you must include this authorization header in your request. See the Authentication section for more details.

headers = {
    'authorization': '[api token you created]'

List operations

DoltHub provides support for asynchronous operations, including merging, SQL writes, and file importing. When you execute one of these operations from the API, you will get an operation name that you can poll using another endpoint to check the operation status and other information.

This API endpoint lets you monitor the status of all the operations you started in one place without needing to poll the endpoints for singular operations. These operations have error and metadata fields which contain useful information for troubleshooting and debugging.

For example, if you have executed a few SQL write queries using that API endpoint, you can list those operations using the operationType query parameter to filter for SqlWrite operations. The metadata will show the query executed, database and branch that the query ran on, as well as any syntax or other errors you may have encountered.

Here's an example of how to list SqlWrite operations initiated by user liuliu using an authorization token.

Listing operations requires authentication, so you must include this authorization header in your request. See the Authentication section for more details.

headers = {
    'authorization': '[api token you created]'

List jobs

DoltHub performs certain asynchronous operations through job execution, including merging, importing, SQL reading, and migrating. When these operations are initiated via the API, you receive an operation name that includes the job ID.

This API endpoint lets you monitor the status of jobs started in a specific database.

Here is an example of how to list all the jobs on a database museum-collections using an authorization token.

Listing jobs requires authentication, so you must include this authorization header in your request. See the Authentication section for more details.

headers = {
    'authorization': '[api token you created]'

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